Friday, 29 May 2015
Nga Ra O Te Wiki
Wednesday, 27 May 2015
My Quarters Poster
My Xra Math Result
This is my xtra math result. I got 38 right because when the number comes up like 9+7 =16 and when that number comes up I just write the answer. I got 13 wrong because when 7+5 = 12 I just forget the answer. I need to improve on the harder ones so I don't get mixed up with the number like that 2+3 and when it showes that number I press number 6 because, when I look at the screen I think it is number 6. I will improve my end result by consitrating and not getting distracted by any one.
Tuesday, 26 May 2015
My Math Photo Story
This is my Math Photo Story it was about a whole. A whole is something that is not cut in to 2 equal pieces.
Friday, 22 May 2015
3rd coment
This is my 3rd coment that I made I comented on Angaris because I like the pictures that she put into her story.
Wednesday, 20 May 2015
My Skip counting in 2's to 20 board
Finding Halves of values
My Xtra Math Result
This is my xtra math result. I got 8 wrong and 41 right I only got 41 right because I was concentrating on xtra math.
Tuesday, 19 May 2015
My Prezi on the Surprise Dinner
This is my Prezi. I had to retell the story. The story was about the surprise dinner party that Dad, Josh and Jenna put on for Mum.
My Simile Challenge.
This is my simile challenge I had to discribe the animal like for an exsample it will be Flamingoes have long legs like pencels. That is what I had to do. I had to do this by going on to Google Slide.
Friday, 15 May 2015
Countries that took part in world war 1
This is my Google map. I learned how to put flags on my googlw map the first thing that i had to do was name my tittle it was country's that took part in world war 1. The first country that i did was New Zealand I had to clike on the green pin and change it to green.
Tuesday, 12 May 2015
My De Bono's Thinking Hats.
This is my De Bono's Thinking Hats. I had to click on pool party for pups it will show me the story.I also had to use my ideas to use on This week's article.
My Story Zoo Trip
This is my story zoo trip I made this by going on to Google Slide. I had to write a sentence to go with the picture that's on my story zoo trip.
Monday, 11 May 2015
My Xtra Math Result
This is my xtra math result. I 13 wrong and 25 right I got 25 right because I got 25 right because I was consitrating,
Wednesday, 6 May 2015
My Xtra Math Result.
This is my xtra math result I made it by going on to xtra math.I got 24 because the numbers were easy for me and the numbers were easy to say because I said like 6+3 than it will be 9 because 6+3= 9.
My Hundred Board
This is my hundreds board I made it by going on to Google Drawing. I had to colour in the number that goes in two's like 2, 4, 6, 8,10. I counted backwards in 2's from 100.
My Half poster
My Hundred Board.
Tuesday, 5 May 2015
Monday, 4 May 2015
Xtra Math Result
This my xtra math result .The one I need to work on is 6+2 6+4 6+7 3+6 6+8 and 7+6.I had to add the number that show's up on the screen.
Friday, 1 May 2015
Blog Bootcamp
This is another comment that I made I also made it by going on to blog bootcamp.I commented on room 6 because I like how they made their family art pretty.
Blog Bootcamp
This is my comment I made it by going on to blog bootcamp.I voted for Aoutearoa by Stan Walker because I can Practice the words and learn the words.
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