
Thursday 3 December 2015

My Revising Writing. (edited writing).

On Saturday I was at my Papa's,  Aunt’s and Uncle’s house getting ready for halloween. When I saw my Papa dressed as a spooky zombie I felt scared. I was dressed as a purple bat.  I was ready for halloween. Me and my Papa were going around the houses asking for lollies.

Once I went to a house that was very black and very spooky. My Papa got scared I told him don’t worry It's just a house full of decorations. There was spiderwebs,  bats and witch decorations. I knocked on the door and out came a man in a ghost costume. A lady gave us yummy sweets. Trick or treat I said to them next I went down to another house that wasn't spooky as it was It only had spiders and a black witch’s  broom I knocked on the door and out came a lady dressed as witch she gave us chocolate candy pumpkins.

When we stopped at Kings road we saw my friend Zara and her Dad Babu they were going trick or treating for yummy treats to. Me and my Papa were walking to Zara. We asked could we come with you to get some yummy treats they said yes when we stopped down at the cafe we had a hot chocolate and a strawberry cupcake. Then we went back down to Coats Cress to go to other houses for trick or treating.
When we saw another house that was even scarier. I said happy trick or treat. Out came a spider, the man gave us lollies  and chocolate,  it was fun at halloween. It was time to go home I said bye to my friend Zara and went home to eat all the goodies.   

Yesterday and today I have been working with Brooklyn. We had to read over a simple piece of writing. Brooklyn and I had to make changes as the original piece. We had may mistakes like we did not put a capital h for Halloween and we spelled coral cress wrong.

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